Every time we turn on the news or open up our Facebook pages there is something there that we wish we didn’t see. I use to look forward to looking at new pictures or motivational posts but now all I see is divisiveness and negativity. I try not to get to political and keep my opinions at a minimum but damn. Today I was happy to see this email from Manifesting Mamas so I had to share. I hope this helps some of you today!!!
Here are 4 ways to keep your surroundings positive:
1) Stay in your lane and try not to watch the news
I don’t mean this as a turn inward ignore reality kind of escapism. But you can find out the details of what you need to know without drowning yourself in the constant negativity of the media. You can choose the channels you tune into. By all means pray, send love, donate, have compassion, but don’t feel the need to obsessively watch the news.
2) Stay off social media
…or at least don’t get sucked into arguments or political discussions. Browse, read, then move on. You can agree or disagree, but before getting sucked into commenting, ask yourself, is it worth ruining your vibration by spending your time in these types of discussion? Arguing is by nature resistance. Resistance means you are not in allowing. When you are not in allowing your capacity to receive what you desire is blocked.
3) Focus on joy and love
These are the two highest vibrations you can experience. When you are in the vibration of joy and love, you will attract things of that frequency to you. More joy? More love? Yes please. You are an energetic being. Everything in the Universe is energy. Keep your vibration high at all costs. Spend time with people you like being around. Do things that bring you joy. Listen to music. Laugh. Be happy.
4) Visualize change
Since we know that what we see around us affects how we feel, it’s important to make the conscious choice to choose something different. When you visualize the changes that you want to make, it makes a big impact on your mindset. The more you can see the changes you desire, the more you’re actually likely to make these changes come true. Your imagination is your greatest asset in helping you manifest. You need to imagine what you want to happen, what you want to manifest.
Universal laws and conscious creation are not something you can just pick up and put down in your life when it’s convenient and expect to manifest what you desire.
Thinking in this manner and leveraging these laws to create what you desire is a way of being.
In love and joy,
Dani and Shira
Repost from Manifesting Mamas