National Hot Tea Month is here and what better way to celebrate than with a cup of your favorite tea and a little history. Hot teas are the second most consumed beverage in the world. Hot tea is believed to have been discovered by accident back in 2337 B.C. when Chinese Emperor Shen Nung accidentally spilled tea leaves into his pot of drinking water. Another interesting fact is that tea bags weren’t actually created until 1904.

Benefits of Tea
Hot tea is known for its variety of medicinal benefits. It is great to soothe upset stomachs, relieve menstrual cramps, reduce high blood pressure, fight off the flu, and lower stress levels. I love sipping hot chamomile and ginger tea before bed. It relaxes me after a long day with the kids.
Did you know that tea contains vitamins, oils, and fluoride? A Zesty Orange Tea Shot has less caffeine than coffee. Some types can be used as a diuretic like oolong tea. It has been reported that consuming hot tea daily can help prevent certain types of cancers, heart attacks, and strokes. So, not only does tea taste good, it’s really good for you! Read more
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