If you follow me on social media you already know that I am always on the go. But I think that is the case of most moms of multiple kids. My friend Stephanie always jokes with me telling me that I need to get my own reality T.V. show…. Not quite sure about T.V. but I decided to share with you guys what my normal routine is like on most days of the week.
A day in the life of a Sporty Momma
6:45 a.m. First alarm goes off
7:00 Alarm number 2 goes off, guess I better get moving
7-7:25 Get myself dressed
7:30 Comb kid number 1 hair and send her off to school. Wake up kids 2 and 3
7:45-8:15 Prepare breakfast, listen to kids argue over what to watch on T.V. while eating breakfast and packing lunches.
8:20 rush to school to get them inside before the bell. Pray that there is no traffic or that the crossing guard doesn’t hold up the flow
8:45-9 Sit outside in my car and read a page of You are A Badass Every Damn Day
9-10 Hit the gym (most days I listen to Billboard’s Top 100 on Tidal) Side note: Ariana Grande is killing it
10:15-10:45 Mail off Sporty Mommas packages to my favorite customers and grab breakfast. (Yes I know I should have eaten something by now)
11:00-11:30 Shower and get dressed again
11:30 -12:30 Complete daily tasks of emails, social media updates, searching the web for ideas and inspiration
12:30-1:30 Complete a session from B-School. (It is an online coaching program that helps me create a better business but today I am feeling like WTF)
1:30 I need a nap but time to pick up the kiddos
2:00 Get the kids lunch cause they eat too early at school and I need food too. Thank God for the Panera App our food is already on the shelf waiting for us.
3:00 Pick up kid 1
3:30 head to a doctors appointment for kid 2 and don’t forget the book bag to do homework while we wait cause it is always a long wait
4-6 We are at the doctors office trying to stay calm and positive but at least we did our homework and got a good report from the doctor.
6-7 Complete homework with other kiddos and throw dinner in the oven. Tonight it is herb roasted chicken, baked potatoes and green beans. (I only cook 1-2 times a week)
7:30 finally sit down, eat dinner and watch the Heat game
8:30 Iron clothes for tomorrow while listening to Michelle Obama’s book, Becoming on my audiobook app
9 p.m. I am exhausted but everyone is healthy and happy so I won’t complain. Damn I forgot to give him the probiotics.
**This was actually a calm day because there was no practice or tutoring today lol.
A most interesting routine Sporty Momma!. Keep up the good work! I’m a retired sporty momma: been there done that. 😄 It’s so worth it! 🙏🏼💪🏾🤗❤
I love Marie Forleo!!! I did not sign up for b-school because I’m 1/2 way through another course. But I was tempted.
What do you do Amy?