I know that most people see me as the Mom who has it all! The amazing husband that doesn’t mind grocery shopping or packing the kid’s lunches. Three beautiful, smart, kind, and loving kids. And yes the home of my dreams. Some days are definitely better than others. To tell you the truth the last 3 months have sucked big time. I keep going back asking when did it all begin to take a downward turn or let’s say a more challenging turn and well it was after that crazy election. Yes, November which is normally one of my favorite months turned out to be the month that everything changed.
After the stress of the election and looking at all of the post election drama it really hit me. We are living in some wild times. Little did I know what was coming next. I won’t go into a whole lot of detail but I will tell you that in three months we have lost 3 loved ones unexpectedly. One of our kids came down with a stomach virus that turned into 3 months of visiting different doctors. There have been days of questioning why, why right now, why are we experiencing all of this back to back?
In the middle of all this I have learned who my real friends are. I have also learned that it is okay to ask for help. I know that everything happens for a reason and that this too shall pass. Most importantly I have learned that we go through things so that we can share with others. So in the next few weeks I will share my journey of going through the unexpected.
Wow.. Thanks for sharing. Puts things in clearer perspectives. We sometimes take things for granted. God Bless you and the family. And thanks for being so cooperative in your troubling times.