It is a new year and that means new hopes and dreams and that burning desire to be better than you were the year before. So what is it that you really want to do but something has been standing in your way? Is it a book, a new job, starting your own business….what ever it is I am here to tell you the time is now!!! It is time to step out and just do it.
I met a woman the other day that shared with me that she was in transition. She loved her job that she has worked for 15 years and she enjoys raising her teenage daughter but she felt the need to do more. Her daughter is graduating soon and she will be eligible for early retirement in a year or two. I asked her what she enjoyed doing and she replied, “ I like a lot of things”! Boy can I relate!
Finding your passion may seem hard at first but when you really break it down it is right in front of your face. It’s that thing that keeps you up at night, or day dreaming all day long. It comes easy to you. Your friends and family members may even be asking you “When are you going to….? It brings joy not only to you, but also to those around you. When I started Sporty Mommas, I had one goal in mind and that was to make moms feel good about them selves. I went through a period of time after my second child was born where I was missing something. I didn’t like the way my clothes fit, my hair wasn’t doing it, I was overwhelmed raising two kids under 3. Back then I had no idea where it would lead me, but I knew if I stepped out and did something for me, it would all fall into place.
It might take some time and experimenting but when you really find it you will know. Take a step toward your passion and do great things!!!!!
Sharonda Stewart
I'm trying to find my passion as we speak that's the vision board brunch ended up being harder than I thought.