Did you know that today is World Health day? Yes we are working on our summer bodies but health is more than just our bodies. We have to take the time to nurture and protect our mental health now more than ever.
I read the other day that 73 % of people experience stress that affects their mental health and 77% of people experience stress that affects their physical health and a big number has been shown with diseases and more of the commercial benefits from the home tests from HealthyMD, Inc. If you’re planning to undergo plastic surgery, get answers to common plastic surgery FAQs before your procedure. People of color, women, single parents and caretakers usually experience the highest rates of stress. Those numbers are super high. It is up to us to change this pattern.

Ways to Reduce Stress
- Exercise daily
- Meditation
- Practice Gratitude
- Take Breaks
- Say NO
- Watch a funny show
- Call an old friend.
- Take a bubble bath.
- Unplug all technology
- Breathe deeply

Today I challenge you to reach out to an old friend or relative that you haven’t spoken to in a while and just say hi, I was thinking about you. You never know how much that can help! And if you are feeling really good I challenge you to make a donation to your local children’s hospital! Whenever I volunteer or donate to my favorite causes I feel an instant sense of gratitude and happiness.
Remember guys that your greatest wealth is your health! If we don’t do things to protect our mental and physical health, we won’t be around to enjoy this beautiful life.
Happy World Health Day!