Don’t you just love when people ask you what do you do all day? As a stay at home wife/mom/mompreneur /school volunteer/tutor/housekeeper, I know that you don’t just sit at home all day or play tennis. We wear many hats. Most of us have mastered the art of juggling running the household and our businesses. I must admit, #Momlife definitely isn’t as easy as I thought it was going to be. After running around all day the magic question comes out, “what’s for dinner?” It can be very challenging trying to feed your family healthy nutritious meals every day. A few weeks ago I discovered stir-frying. I never really thought much about it. (I don’t know why not) It is so easy and makes a great meal in like twenty minutes. It’s perfect for those long days after basketball or soccer practice. Try mixing your favorite veggies with chicken or shrimp and add over jasmine rice or pasta and voila dinner is done! What are your favorite go to meals? Share them with us at! Happy Hump Day!
Most grocery stores have a prepackaged stir-fry mix ready to go!!!! #wholefoods #freshmarket #publix