I knew this day was coming. Admit it, we all did. The day we would have to go back to setting our alarm clocks, scheduling drop offs, pick ups, packing lunches, doctors appointments, meetings oh and HOMEWORK the best part. After 9 weeks of vacation and yes this summer our family lived it up, we traveled until the wheels literally fell off of the suitcases. There was Disney, Atlanta, Atlantis and oh my favorite Turks and Caicos! We got to spend quality time with family and friends and enjoyed lots of good food. But now it is time to face the music.
On Monday the alarm will go off not once but twice. We now have three kiddos at two different schools. You know what that means, lots of driving back and forth between schools, practices, tutoring and play dates. I already got a taste of it this week because one kid started school a week earlier. The carpool selfies are going to be filling your Instagram and Facebook timelines very soon. Traffic jams, detours and lunch on the run here I come!
This school year will be very different for us. We officially have a middle schooler. Yes those wonderful days of middle school filled with puberty, girl fights, detentions, first crushes and those first real disappointments. Like not having anyone to sit with at lunch, forgetting your locker combination way too many times, pimples, not making the cheerleading squad or dance team. Those days that most moms blocked out when they arrived to high school. So please pray for me. Pray that I too survive this second round of middle school. That I can be a tool of patience, love, understanding, kindness and guidance for my beautiful daughter whom at 11 years old is already taller, smarter and stronger than I was at that age.
On the bright side, I do look forward to having a little time to myself again. All summer long I have been on the clock. Every now and then I squeezed in some “ME” time but definitely not enough. Now I can workout on a real schedule, get my nails done, blog, volunteer, meet up with friends for lunch, and shop when I want to solo!!!!!!! I might even finish that book that I started last year. Oh my the list could go on and on. So although going back to school is bitter sweet, I know that the kids need to get back to their routines and so do we. Cheers to a fabulous 2017-2018 school year!