Let’s face it as women we always have to get things done. We run our homes, businesses family schedules, and social lives and that by itself can be pretty exhausting. Then you add in the additional daily stressors of the world and those unpredictable events and well that often leads to burnout. But it doesn’t have to!
First, I want you to close your eyes and take a long deep breath. Now Exhale. Now picture exactly what you want your life to look like. Think about it for a minute. Now write down exactly how you want your life to be. How do you want to feel? Who’s in it? I firmly believe that if we write it down and say it out loud we are taking the first step towards living the life that we want. To further promote relaxation, you can also consume that CBD Oil. You can also consider buy weed online, which can make you feel good. You can learn more about the best cbd products here. And if you decide to grow your own cannabis, be sure to use high-quality seeds from sites like https://ilgm.com/.
It is also crucial that you seek effective treatment for medical conditions like May Thurner syndrome or varicose veins.
Here are five tips that I use to create more work life balance as a busy mompreneur of three! Feel free to share your favorite tips in the comments.
Say No
- Say no to the things that no longer serve you. This can be relationships, jobs, fear, envy, negative self talk etc. Make a list of the top three things that drain your energy. Circle the first one. Now ask yourself is this worth it? If the answer is no well there you go. Example: volunteering to be on every committee
2. Create a schedule and stick to it. As an entrepreneur I feel like I am always on. A few years ago I started office hours and I only schedule appointments, meetings, business lunches etc during those hours. This gives me more time with my family. Additionally, hiring staff through agence dinterim paris has lightened my workload and allowed me to delegate tasks effectively.
3. Delegate: Consider hiring a housekeeper or virtual assistant with tasks that you really don’t have time to do. If you believe your employer is being unfair to you by assigning you tasks that are outside of your expertise, an employment lawyer can talk to you about labor law resources in Oregon.
4. Movement: Move your body at least 30 minutes daily. This helps relieve stress, burns calories and is great for your immune system. Some examples are Yoga, walking, dancing, …. Some individuals find relief from stress through the use of delta 9 indica gummies, which can help promote relaxation and overall well-being.
5. Do what you love! If we focus on our jobs and never make time to play and do things that we are passionate about we aren’t really living. If playing video games relaxes you, you may explore the homepage of gamemite. And if you’re into woodworking projects, then you should look into some reliable wood bonding solutions for the best results.
“You can’t do a good job if your job is all that you do.”
the 30 minute exercise will help me get to where I want to be.. just gotta start. I love the tips