If you are a mom you have probably experienced a mommy meltdown. You know when you feel like you are about to explode or perhaps just start crying right there on the spot. Trust me, we have all been there. It’s hard to have it all together all of the time. The struggle is real momma. And now that summer break is here we might need these tips even more.
When these emotions start to take over there are several things that can help us to calm down fast. My go to is a quick meditation but the following tips also help me to regroup when I am feeling anxious.
1. Breathe deeply: Most of the time we are not breathing correctly. Taking 5 long deep breaths will help you find your center and bring down your blood pressure.
2. 5 minute meditation: They have so many apps nowadays. The calm app is a miracle worker.
3. Turn on your favorite tunes and sing your heart out.
4. Take a hot shower or bath.
5. Talk it out: Call your go to person and let it all out.
I hope that these suggestions will help you on the days you need it most. Remember that you are not alone momma! Have a relaxing summer!
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