Did you know that what you eat, who you spend time with, what you read, watch, listen to and how you talk to yourself all effects your well being? Your wellness matters moms! I think the last one is the most critical. What are we saying to ourselves on a daily basis? Are we beating ourselves up? Are we replaying past events or trauma? Are we showing the same love and compassion to ourselves that we are showing others? If you aren’t, don’t worry today is another day to start over and change the narrative.

I used to stay away from bikinis or two piece outfits that showed the long scar down my spine from scoliosis surgery. Most of the time I didn’t want to have to explain what happened and other times I just thought it was ugly. Now I rock them every chance that I get. My scars and crookedness are both part of my journey. My body is strong and sacred.
Do you recite positive affirmations? If you watch my Instagram stories you know that I love positive affirmations. It’s a great way to start your day or a good midday reminder that YOU matter!
Repeat after me, “ I am ENOUGH”.
Here are some of my favorite affirmations. Remember that what you say to yourself matters momma!

Positive Affirmations
I love and accept myself.
I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
I am beautiful.
I am safe and divinely protected.
Today is a great day.
My body is sacred.
I am worthy of good things.
I am brave.
Taking care of myself makes me a great mom.
I am a magnet for great things.
This post was just for me today. So often, I have spent countless hours feeling and saying negative things about myself. I have struggled most of my adult years with staying positive about me and I just figured out recently its because of the fear of rejection. Its a real emotional contaminant. You spend so much time in your thoughts hammering away at being unworthy because you feel you’re not good enough. Everyday you get up, makeup, dress up, step out and hide behind your past hurts. You’re moving, but not. You find yourself covering up your emotional scars in one way or another. I am starting today with that affirmation: I am good enough! I am God’s masterpiece!