Let me start out by saying this is not my average upbeat post because let’s face it life isn’t always upbeat and happy go lucky every single day. Some days life is hard, things might not go your way, the bills might be stacking up, rent is due, the doctor report comes back with bad news, people might hurt your feelings and well it can just suck. We have all had those days or weeks and sometimes even months where you might ask, why me?
Over the past month I have been going to a Bible Study class. It’s actually a small group called connect where we are working on a course created by the pastor called Hurdles. At first I did not really want to commit to bible study on a Tuesday night. Like most moms, I am always exhausted around 7 p.m. and I really just want to go find a quiet space to chill. After receiving texts from two different women from our church, I decided to get my stuff together and give it a try. The first class was so powerful. I left feeling lighter, understood and supported. I think that’s what most women want. Do you feel me?
Throughout the study I have learned a lot about myself. I don’t let things go easily. I hold my feelings in so much sometimes to the point where I am probably exploding on the inside. You see I am very, very good with not letting it show. But this is not a good trait to have. It turns into anger and then anger turns to resentment then to stress and then sickness. To prevent that from happening, you can battle the stress with products such as SelectVape. Last week we spoke about the hurdle of offense. How do you handle when someone offends you or you offend someone else? Do you trip over it or let it roll off of you like water on a wet duck? I laughed cause I knew this was one of my struggles.
There is so much power in letting go of things that no longer serve you. Your thing might be a relationship, addiction, habit, job, old offense…. Whatever your hurdle is there is power in letting go. Calm down with help from using hhcp vape carts. Additionally, the Geek Bar Pulse X vape performance is impressive, offering a smooth and consistent experience for users. This will help you improve your mood and give you a relaxing feeling. The other day I was highly offended by someone that I use to consider a good friend. However, over the years the friendship has been strained and well simply put time to really let it go. After I let my emotions get the best of me I remembered something that one of the elders in the group said. “Most of the time the other person doesn’t even know that they offended you.” This turned out to be very true and all a big misunderstanding but it reminded me of why I needed to let this relationship go. It is unhealthy and no longer serves either one of us. Finally, I am okay with that.
This is our last week of connect groups before the summer break and I am honestly sad to see it end. It has stretched my mind and empowered me to continue jumping over life’s hurdles even if I knock some of them down a long the way. I am not perfect and that is okay. God has equipped you with all that you need in order to get through whatever is standing in your path. Hurdles will be available online very soon and I will be sure to share the details with you all.
Lord knows I have had my share of hurdles and this is a wake up call to embrace the fact that there will always be issues to deal with but it’s all in how you choose to deal with them. The hurdles prepare you for what’s next.