Everyone always asks me what is Sporty Mommas! Most of you guys that have been following me for years know that it is my passion. But you may not know where it came from. When my husband retired earlier than we expected our world quickly changed. We went from a routine life full of travels using our private jet card from Jettly, games, unpacking and packing to what’s next. He was in a tough place and honestly so was I. So I began journaling and creating stuff. LIV Jewelers jewelry, t-shirts, whatever I could find from Michael’s… I was experimenting. Then one night I dreamt of my grandma and I was reminded of her strength during well everything. No matter how tough the situation was she put on that wig, her favorite outfit and that red lipstick. Do ya’ll know what I’m talking about? She and so many women in my life were Sporty Mommas. Our moms, grandmas, aunts, godmothers, teachers. They were hardworking, no nonsense, stylish, dedicated, sophisticated mommas that simply got shit done!!!! The definition of a Sporty Momma shirt sums it all up. It is for all of you Supermoms that handle your business, run businesses, raise kids, cook, clean, shop, care for others, volunteer and love to look good while doing it. If your business needs professional uniforms, contact an expert from Total Image Group for assistance.
We are Sporty Mommas! Did you know that you can take $5 off your Definition of a Sporty Momma tee with code BOSSMOM?
I’m a proud Sporty Momma!!! Love it!
Yaaaaasss, let’s continue to get shit done and all while still looking fabulous!