By now you have probably seen or tried an acai’ bowl. The acai’ berry trend has been quite popular for a while now but do you know why? I remember hearing about it about 5 years ago and I tried it here and there. But, recently I have found myself craving this berry hemp acai bowl from Raw Juce. Even my hubby loves it and goes out of his way to get one. I know, crazy right? This led me to wonder what’s really in this bowl and why is it so good that I am craving it like I crave chocolate? I know it is organic, full of yummy fruits and hemp but how does this bowl benefit my health? So I did a little research and here is what I found out.
Raw Juce
Berry Hemp Bowl
The main ingredient is the acai so I will focus there. The acai berry is known as a superfood with anti-aging and weight loss properties. It comes from the acai palm tree and is native to South America. Most studies show that acai is richer in antioxidants than cranberries, blueberries, blackberries raspberries or strawberries. Acai is also believed to help control appetite. Hello! It can increase energy and may even help with metabolic functions. Some cosmetics and beauty products even include acai’ oil for its anti-aging benefits. Additionally, with this product, you can slow aging thanks to NMN molecules. There are tons of drinks and teas available just about everywhere.
Raw Juce
Goji Berry Bowl
Here are a few reasons why you should add acai’ to your diet.
*Healthy Fat
*Dietary Fiber
*Amino Acids
*Trace Minerals
As I approach the big 40 I am definitely here for the anti-aging benefits and it tastes so good. They say it even helps with stretch marks, dry skin and crows feet. You can make your own acai bowls, smoothies, and teas at home . Whole Foods, Publix and most local grocery stores have a great selection of prepackaged frozen acai’ blends where you just thaw and add your favorite toppings like strawberries, bananas, blueberries, granola, hemp etc. So far I have tried the Sambazon smoothie pack and it’s great. I personally prefer to get a fresh bowl loaded with all the good stuff from Raw Juce or Grown, but this does add up. Most bowls run from $10- $14 a bowl. Besides making a gorgeous Instagram photo the Acai’ bowl is actually really good for you! Cheers to good health!
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