I know you have heard the phrase just go with the flow? I used to hear it all of the time growing up. I knew what it meant but I didn’t really pay much attention to it. One day I was sitting by the pool just lounging and I began to notice the current in the water. The wind was blowing really hard so you could see the ripples drifting across the pool. When the wind stopped the ripples began to slow down. And then it hit me. Just go with the flow Sharonda!!!
I had to learn the hard way this year that the stress, pain and heartache comes when you resist the flow. When you try to change things or change people and they don’t change. Uggg! You begin to get frustrated that things just aren’t going the way you envisioned them. “This isn’t what I wanted”. “How did I get here?” We began to fight the flow and resist well just about everything that doesn’t look like what we planned. But what happens when we surrender and just go with the flow?
But, who wants to surrender? I sure didn’t. I am a planner. I have worked to hard to just give up or let people treat me any kind of way, right? Why should I apologize or forgive them when they were wrong? I deserved that promotion. I should have gotten that raise. I was the better friend. “Throwing in the flag is for wimps. Not for strong women who always have their shit together. I am always right, right?” Yes, these are all of the things that come up when we resist the flow. It adds tension to the tension you already have in your neck, back and shoulders. It causes belly aches. You know those those headaches that Tylenol just won’t heal. The stress of resistance can kill you if you don’t recognize it in time. But what happens if we just release it? Let it go. Realize that it is part of the plan for you. It just wasn’t meant to be. What if we just go with the flow? Yes, you deserve to express your feelings and unhappiness. Cry, scream, kick something across the room (not the wall I know someone that kicked the wall and ended up fracturing his foot). If smoking helps reduce stress for you, you can buy native cigarettes at discountciggs. Let it all out but then let it go.
When you begin to surrender it doesn’t get easier right away. You have to surrender every day. The more you release it the easier it gets. Day by day you realize that life is so much easier when you accept it and move on. There are products available at bodyandmind.com that can help enhance your mood and cope with life’s challenges. You can breathe easier, sleep better, smile more and spread love and light to others. It is so much better to just GO with the flow!
*Pictures via Pinterest
Great point. I’m still a work in progress
We all are! 😘