We are 7 days into 2018 and some of us are already working hard towards those New Year’s Resolutions and some of us haven’t even gotten started yet. If you are like me, maybe you were waiting until the kids went back to school. In my last post I told you some of my secrets or let’s call them fun facts. One of the things that I struggle with is being consistent. I start off feeling all motivated and eager to get shit done and then before I know it, my mind wants to do something else. Or I get distracted with the busyness of mom life and make excuses not to finish what I started.
So this year I am starting a 30 day yoga challenge. I am going to call it the self love challenge. I have taken a few classes here and there over the past few months and I have a new appreciation for the practice and challenging my mind and body to accomplish something that I have never done. I made excuses in the past because of my spinal surgery but I have learned to listen to my body and just go with the flow. I will no longer say that I am getting old or I am to busy. I am doing this for me. I will show myself some love and make the time and effort to accomplish this goal.
I challenge you to join me. Maybe not in yoga but in working out daily, eating healthier, painting, writing, singing, praying, or meditation…whatever it is that you feel called to do. If you have a busy schedule and can’t make a class or prep a healthy meal, there are lots of youtube tutorials to guide you. I thought that I had to physically attend a yoga or workout class for it to count. The truth is you can do it anywhere and still reap the benefits. So let’s get this party started. Let me know what your 30 day challenge is in the comments below. Tag me @sportymommas or #sportymommas so we can cheer each other on. #YOUGOTTHIS
Yes… im in! Love it
This is a great goal! I just may join you. Go get’em gal.
Join us
I’m in. Not with yoga, but my New Year’s resolution was to learn hand lettering. I’ve already started and I’m on day 4! So I will make that my 30 day challenge!
That sounds interesting! #letsdothis
Right there with you Momma! I’m really enjoying my 40 day yoga challenge. After just a few days I find tha my body is craving it! Hoping to establish a great routine and habit or practicing regularly for all of 2018!
You go girl!